I taught 3 kindergarten classes today....whew, it's hard work! They're so young and even cutting can be a challenge. The first 2 classes, the teachers wanted small groups (4-6), so only a few kids got to go at a time and we'll take 3 weeks to cycle through everyone (class size is 30 kids in each class....yikes! Too many kids!). The third teacher insisted that we all work together which was much less fun for the kids (she insisted that I made them all sit in a circle and wait their turn to go to the scissor station, the google eye station, the puff-ball station, etc....) At least they did not have to wait until week 2 or 3, though.
To start out the lesson, I did a puppet show adaptation of "Caps for Sale," using puppets made of paper and paper plates....so they could get an idea of the kind of puppets that they could make with paper. Here's a photo of my monkey. I decided to only make a head and an arm, since that was all they could get to today, anyway.
I love watching their personalities coming out when they are making art. And I also loved how much they get into the story....little kids LOVE the monkey and the sound that he makes in this story. They giggled soooooo much! cute!