I finally found a place to get wool in Sydney, so I don't feel so home-sick anymore, now that I have something to do to keep my hands busy. I've been needle felting like mad, but I'm making myself take today off and I have to remember more stretch breaks! This little critter is an old favorite project: a little mouse finger puppet. He fits perfectly on your finger.
As soon as I figure out shipping costs from Australia, he'll be up for sale on Etsy, and hopefully I'll have a few more critters finished soon, too. I'll post the link when I have him up.
Little kids love needle felted creatures. But they aren't the best for young kids to play with. My niece and nephew have always been alright with them, and I have needle felted them several larger animals to hold and cuddle, but it's because they (more than most children I have encountered) seem to understand the value of hand-made crafts that they treat them with enough love and respect that they last.
I spent many hours on this little mouse, and I think he is sturdier than some of the brothers and sisters he has waiting for him back in San Francisco, so he would probably stand up to a tougher kid.
What I love about making wool puppets, though, is that they look so cuddly, furry and real. Even if I can't pass them around the classroom or party (but really, most puppets aren't to be handled by anyone but the puppeteer and the chosen few), the wool brings something very life-like to these creations, and they are just wonderfully cute!
I use the little finger puppet mouse in nursery rhyme songs, like Hickory-Dickory Dock. I'll pretend that I am the clock and make the mouse run up my arm and up on to my head. I'll make a big production about how much the little mouse tickles when he reaches my neck and my head, and the kids just laugh and laugh while they sing along.